
Feb 28, 2016

Introduction to Containers

Brief History of Containers 

While containers are certainly a very popular topic right now, containers themselves are not new. They have existed for many years. FreeBSD, Solaris Zones, LXC...there are many incarnations of containerization technology. 

You may ask - then why is Docker so popular ? For a few good reasons, but mainly because Docker created a very easy to use framework for deploying and sharing containers on standard Linux builds. 

There are still many challenges to address in this space, however! Security, isolation and data persistence are areas that are arguably not ready for the Enterprise just yet. 

What are Containers?
Containers are an OS-level virtualization method in which the kernel of an operating system allows for multiple isolated user-space instances, instead of just one. The primary benefits of using containers include limited overhead, increased flexibility and efficient use of storage; the container looks like a regular OS instance from the user's perspective. Changes to the image can be made very quickly and pushed to a repository to share with others for further development and utilization.

What is Docker?

Docker containers wrap up a piece of software in a complete filesystem that contains everything it needs to run: code, runtime, system tools, system libraries – anything you can install on a server. This guarantees that it will always run the same, regardless of the environment it is running in.

Containers running on a single machine all share the same operating system kernel so 
they start instantly and make more efficient use of RAM. Images are constructed from layered filesystems so they can share common files, making disk usage and image downloads much more efficient. Docker containers are based on open standards allowing containers to run on all major Linux distributions and Microsoft operating systems.

Containers include the application and all of its dependencies, but share the kernel with 
other containers. They run as an isolated process in userspace on the host operating system.

Docker is a natural fit for microservice-based architectures

Virtual machines and containers: better together

Containers provide great application portability, enabling the consistent provisioning of the application across infrastructures. However, applications and data alone are rarely the major barrier to workload mobility. Instead, operational requirements such as performance and capacity management, security, and various management tool integrations can make redeploying workloads to new environments a significant challenge. So while containers help with portability, they’re again only a piece of a bigger puzzle.

Due to the fundamental differences in architecture (namely the ESXi hypervisor used by 
VMs versus the shared kernel space leveraged by containers), Linux containers will not achieve the same level of isolation and security. Furthermore, the toolsets available in the VM ecosystem are battle-tested and Enterprise-grade, enabling scores of benefits (stability, compliance, integrated operations, etc) that are indispensable to operations and infrastructure teams.

Feb 27, 2016

VMWare for Dummies Series

Feb 14, 2016

Free ebook - Cloud Foundry: The Cloud Native Platform

What exactly is a Cloud Native platform? It’s certainly a hot topic in IT, as enterprises today assess this option for developing and delivering software quickly and repeatedly. This O’Reilly report explains the capabilities of Cloud Native platforms and examines the fundamental changes enterprises need to make in process, organization, and culture if they’re to take real advantage of this approach.

Author Duncan Winn focuses on the open source platform Cloud Foundry, one of the more prominent Cloud Native providers. You’ll learn how Cloud Native applications are designed to be “infrastructure unaware” so they can thrive and move at will in the highly distributed and constantly evolving cloud environment.

With this report, you’ll explore:

  • Technical driving forces that are rapidly changing the way organizations develop and deliver software today
  • How key concepts underpinning the Cloud Foundry platform leverage each of the technical forces discussed
  • Why becoming cloud native means adopting a self-service, on-demand, and elastic infrastructure
  • How Cloud Native platforms perform undifferentiated heavy lifting, such as provisioning VMs, middleware, and databases
  • Recommended changes and practical considerations for organizations that want to build Cloud Native applications successfully

Jan 14, 2016

VMware Academic Subscription ( VMAS )

VMware now allows qualified faculty/staff of eligible academic departments to purchase their VMware Academic Subscription (VMAS) which offers software, teaching, and learning resources to approved institutions in the VMware Academic program (VMAP) and the VMware IT Academy program (VITA).
To learn more, visit : 
Some of the resource available include : 
  • Software with 1-year licenses – popular software including: vSphere Enterprise Plus, vCenter, vCloud Director, vCloud Suite, Workstation, Fusion, etc. are available to both faculty and students.
  • Teaching resources – PPT slides aligning to the VMware Fundamental curriculum for Data Center, Cloud, Network and Desktop and Mobility plus the two popular vSphere v6 courses (IT Academies only): Install, Configure, Manage and Optimize and Scale.
  • Learning resources – optional eBooks and virtual labs for students to purchase directly at a nominal cost.
  • Certification resources – preparation materials and discount vouchers for the VCA and VCP6-DCV (IT Academies only) exams.
To view a demo of the Faculty & student area on the store, please visit the demo store on :

Oct 3, 2015

Free O'Reilly Microservices eBook : Migrating to Cloud-Native Application Architectures

Adoption of cloud-native application architectures is helping many organizations transform their IT into a force for true agility in the marketplace. This O’Reilly report defines the unique characteristics of cloud-native application architectures such as microservices and twelve-factor applications. 
Read more

Sep 15, 2015

Micro-segmentation for Dummies Ebook by VMware

Traditional approaches to securing data centers have focused on strong perimeter defenses to keep threats on the outside of the network. This model is ineffective for handling today’s new and evolving threats. What’s needed is a more modern, sophisticated approach to data center security. That solution is micro-segmentation. This Dummies Guide provides an easy to follow overview of micro-segmentation and how it can work for your business.