
Jun 12, 2015

Stay Safe from malware attack on Facebook

Few days back, Facebook users were red-faced over a malware attack that spammed Facebook timelines and news feeds with pornographic images and videos, forcing them to clarify to friends and relatives that they had nothing to do with it.

How does this work ?

It generally starts with a message on social media, which entices you to click on it.... like 'watch urgent, because it is your video' & every time someone clicks on the link, their entire timeline and inbox was spammed with pornographic material.

How can you protect yourself ?
Let's understand, modern day attacks cannot be stopped but small steps can help you prevent the damage.  Here are some small steps to help you stay safe.  

  1. Remove apps that have access to posting on your timeline. Generally, without realizing we authenticate an account using our FB profile and that ends up giving the app control to posting and your data.

  2. Secondly, go to" Timeline and Tagging Settings" on your profile and  enable review tag and posts on your timeline.                                


Stay Safe !!!