The multifaceted project kicks off on September 25 with an eight-day “Measure Our World” event inviting people around the world to share and compare their lives in real time through an innovative smartphone app. The project also includes “Mission Control” events in New York, Singapore and London; “Data Detectives,” a global student initiative being conducted in conjunction with the TED organization; a stunning large-format book featuring more than 200 photographs, essays from noted writers and infographics; an iPad app; and a documentary.
Dates to Remember :
- Innovative smartphone app, available on September 25, 2012, will engage people around the globe, using the sensors in their phones, through a series of thought-provoking questions about themselves, family, trust and other topics.
- “Mission Control” events to be held on October 2, 2012, in New York, London and Singapore will analyze, visualize and interpret data collected from participants around the globe.
- On November 8, 2012, “Data Detectives” youth-oriented events will be held to engage students in discovering their world using data collection and analysis, allowing them to compare their opinions, thoughts, concerns and beliefs through exciting data visualizations and graphics.
- On November 20, 2012, a stunning book of photography, essays and infographics will be unveiled.
- In 2013, The Human Face of Big Data documentary will be released.
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