
Dec 7, 2012

Data Science Series Booklets

EMC Greenplum sponsored a series of thought-provoking booklets, edited by innovation technology guru Peter Hinssen and published by Across Technology. 

To keep you informed on a constant basis, they have created the Data Science Series website (, offering you case stories from your peers, valuable insight into market research and an overview of the Catalyst partners that help EMC Greenplum bring the right building blocks to the market. Allowing you to build the right ‘refinery’ for all the information that is coming your way.

Make sure you don’t miss the installments of the series. Click below to read them one by one - 
  1. Information is the new oilMarkets are fast disappearing, and being replaced by networks. Networks of intelligence. Consumers can’t be controlled anymore, and become active, and are turning markets into dynamic systems. The age-old subject of marketing is being redefined. Information is the new oil. 
  2. The Age of Data-Driven Medicine - The healthcare world is changing fast. Increased cost-pressures is a key driver, but also well informed patients who are critical of medical services and aware they have options. And there’s digital data, lots of it. For decades, healthcare providers, pharmaceutical concerns, insurance companies and other players in the healthcare field have been sitting on a huge stockpile of data. 
  3. Analyzing Customer BehaviorConsumers are no longer what they used to be. Before they buy, they look around. A lot. And when they buy, they talk about it. To everybody. They want to be treated as unique. They want you to listen to them. They want you to talk to them. They want you to thank them. In short, they are influencers and mini-tyrants who will leave you in the blink of an eye if you don’t do as they please. And that’s the easy part. The problem is that they change so fast that you actually need to know what they want, before they do. Your organization needs to outrun them. It needs to be agile and fast.
  4. Open Data Power Smart Cities - Smart Cities are all about collaboration, sharing and transparency. They need true openness of data. It is not just governments opening up their data for everyone in public platforms. It is individual citizens and privately-owned companies offering their data to the government or government departments sharing their data with one another. That is the true meaning of ‘Open Data’, which goes beyond the traditional definitions. Because Smart Cities eat the ‘status quo’ for breakfast. They change at the speed of light, together with their environment. They are the cities of the future.