An EMC-sponsored CIO research study by IDG sampled more than 1,500 participants worldwide through an online survey and in-depth interviews. Here are some excerpts from the same on trends like Cloud, Big Data, analytics and security—
- Jim Malone of IDG reports on an EMC-sponsored survey of global CIOs and their priorities for the New Year.
- Info-graphics on top-line Global findings of IDG's global CIO research on 2013 investment priorities
- The top-line findings of IDG's global CIO research on 2013 investment priorities, Big Data, IT Transformation, and Security in the form of Infographics ( global and region-wise ) can be viewed on
- American CIOs Shift Focus from Cost Cutting to Value Creation
- Asia-Pacific CIOs Looking to Lead in Big Data and Cloud
- European CIOs Drive Value Generation and See Gold in Big Data