This report, “Hacktivism and the Case of Something Phishy,” offers insight on the latest global phishing and cybercrime trends.
Some key pointers from May 2013
Some key pointers from May 2013
- Phishing Attacks per Month -
- In April, RSA identified 26,902 attacks launched worldwide, marking a 10% increase in attack volume from March.
- Number of Brands Attacked -
- In April, 311 brands were targeted in phishing attacks, marking a 20% increase from last month. Of the 311 targeted brands, 52% endured five attacks or less
- US Bank Types Attacked
- U.S. nationwide banks continued to be targeted by the highest volume of phishing attacks (73%) in April, while regional banks saw a slight decline from 20% to 12%.
- Top Countries by Attack Volume
- The U.S. remained the top country on the chart, targeted with 46% of the total phishing volume in April. The UK accounted for 11% of the attack volume, a 2% decline from March while South Africa remained the same with 9% of attack volume.
- Top Countries by Attacked Brands
- U.S. brands were targeted by 29% of total phishing volume in April, followed by brands in the UK at 10%. Brands in India, Australia and Brazil were collectively targeted by 15% of phishing volume.
- Top Hosting Countries
- The U.S. remained the top hosting country in April, hosting 47% of global phishing attacks (down 4%). Germany, Canada, the Netherlands, UK and Russia together hosted just over 20% of additional volume.